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Bluffsview Staff

Julie Payne

Julie Payne

Bluffsview Elementary

OFFICE PHONE: (614) 450-5100

Secretary Natalie Van Winkle 
Office Assistant Amanda Koverman 
Office Assistant Jill Podolan 

School Nurse Betsy Keidel 
Health Office Assistant Kathleen McQuade 

Attendance Line: (614) 450-5110 or Email Us

School Hours: 7:40 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
AM Kindergarten 7:40 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.


1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 9 of 40 constituents

Sydney Biehl

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Henry Brandstaetter

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Bailey Brunswick

Bluffsview Elementary

Sara Burkhardt

Mental Health Specialist
Bluffsview Elementary, Liberty Elementary, Sutter Park Elementary, Brookside Elementary

Kelly Carpenter

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Courtney Cavener

Building Intervention Specialist
Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Ashley Comer

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Claire Daubney

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary

Toni Gardiner

Bluffsview Elementary, Bluffsview Elementary